Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Vorlage.
Syntax error in template "20155#20195#32235" in line 10, column 44:
Unknown built-in: "isNotEmpty". Help (latest version): https://freemarker.apache.org/docs/ref_builtins.html; you're using FreeMarker 2.3.32.
The alphabetical list of built-ins:
abs, absoluteTemplateName, ancestors, api,
boolean, byte,
c, cLowerCase, cUpperCase, capFirst, capitalize, ceiling, children, chopLinebreak, chunk, cn, contains, counter,
date, dateIfUnknown, datetime, datetimeIfUnknown, default, double, dropWhile,
endsWith, ensureEndsWith, ensureStartsWith, esc, eval, evalJson, exists,
filter, first, float, floor,
hasApi, hasContent, hasNext, html,
ifExists, index, indexOf, int, interpret, isBoolean, isCollection, isCollectionEx, isDate, isDateLike, isDateOnly, isDatetime, isDirective, isEnumerable, isEvenItem, isFirst, isHash, isHashEx, isIndexable, isInfinite, isLast, isMacro, isMarkupOutput, isMethod, isNan, isNode, isNumber, isOddItem, isSequence, isString, isTime, isTransform, isUnknownDateLike, iso, isoH, isoHNZ, isoLocal, isoLocalH, isoLocalHNZ, isoLocalM, isoLocalMNZ, isoLocalMs, isoLocalMsNZ, isoLocalNZ, isoM, isoMNZ, isoMs, isoMsNZ, isoNZ, isoUtc, isoUtcFZ, isoUtcH, isoUtcHNZ, isoUtcM, isoUtcMNZ, isoUtcMs, isoUtcMsNZ, isoUtcNZ, itemCycle, itemParity, itemParityCap,
jString, join, jsString, jsonString,
keepAfter, keepAfterLast, keepBefore, keepBeforeLast, keys,
last, lastIndexOf, leftPad, length, long, lowerAbc, lowerCase,
map, markupString, matches, max, min,
namespace, new, nextSibling, noEsc, nodeName, nodeNamespace, nodeType, number, numberToDate, numberToDatetime, numberToTime,
parent, previousSibling,
removeBeginning, removeEnding, replace, reverse, rightPad, root, round, rtf,
seqContains, seqIndexOf, seqLastIndexOf, sequence, short, size, sort, sortBy, split, startsWith, string, substring, switch,
takeWhile, then, time, timeIfUnknown, trim, truncate, truncateC, truncateCM, truncateM, truncateW, truncateWM,
uncapFirst, upperAbc, upperCase, url, urlPath,
webSafe, withArgs, withArgsLast, wordList,
xhtml, xml